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I have gathered below some of the short-form writing I have published over the years, with links to the original publication sites. 

Notes from Underground

I wrote on caves, books and Camões for the Literary Review's 'Bookends' section.

Motif Man

A review of Hans C Hönes' 'Tangled Paths: A Life of Any Warburg' for the TLS.

Magical Mystery Tour

A review of Anthony Grafton's *Magus* for the TLS

Transfer Records

A review of Martin Puchner's *Culture: A New World History* for the TLS.

Portable Magic

A review of Emma Smith's Portable Magic for BBC History Magazine

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A History of Self-Pardoning

An essay on the history of self-pardoning, from Shakespeare to Trump, for Prospect magazine.

Theatres of War

An essay on Shakespeare, translation, and the new state of South Sudan, for Foreign Affairs magazine.

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